Saturday 30 June 2012

KLM no more!

What an eventful flight that was. I arrived in Glasgow Airport just on time for my luggage check-in. I was told that my boarding pass from Amsterdam to Osaka KIX cannot be printed out, as I may be upgraded to a business class due to high demand on that flight! Happily I headed towards Amsterdam.

Soon, it turned out that instead of being upgraded I didn't board a plane at all. KLM over-booked their flight and there was no seat for me on the plane. They had to re-booked me on a flight to Tokyo Narita and then Osaka Itami, which was 10h longer than my original one! Ahhh...

If that wasn't enough! Our plane to Tokyo Narita had over 3 hours delay due to fuel pump failure! We ended up flying with just 5 fuel pumps (which was fine) but some cargo had to be off loaded!

If that wasn't enough! Upon my arrival to Narita, it turned out it wasn't only cargo that was off loaded but also many suitcases. You can probably guess it had to be me AGAIN! My suitcase was happily left behind in Amsterdam while its owner landed in Japan!

I don't think that anything else could have happened on this flight! Overbooking, delays due to technical maintenance and lost luggage! KLM ~ do you even want people to fly with you?! o_O

Fortunately, I got my reimbursement for over-booking flight and ended up with additional E600 in my pocket! I wonder if there is any reimbursement for a lost luggage? It might be quite a good way to make extra money. That is, if you don't mind a very long journeys here and there. ;)

However, everything happens for a reason. I had the best flight companion ever! We ended up talking etc. for the entire flight! Quite an eventful 11h that were! ;)

Finally, I managed my way to Erika's! Had my beauty shower and beauty sleep! Now, it is a high time for some revision and getting back on track with my Japanese!

Everything is so nice and very Japanese! I even get to sleep on a real futon! :) I like it a lot. Plus, it is a very first time I don't feel short! With my 165cm I am very average here in Japan. Sinks and tables are even a bit too low and I have to bend down a little! Ohhh... How I like it! :)

I will definitely enjoy my stay here!

Thursday 28 June 2012

Building excitement!

My last post in Glasgow! Starting from Friday morning every single blog entry will be delivered to you straight from Japan! Minute after minute I am getting more and more excited. Although I do have to admit that it is still very surreal! I bet it will hit me tomorrow, while waiting on the airport to board my plane!

In the meantime:
I wonder how many of these will I be able to tick as 'done this, been there';)

Hours till departure: 9:20

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Hachiko's adventures!

Quick note on packing & re-packing!

Two years ago, while I was in Tokyo, I got myself a very special companion - a rabbit backpack! This 'rabbit' was very quickly baptized by Shunsuke as Hachiko - a loyal partner in travel! After a long inner-self debate, the very same Hachiko will be joining me again in my Japanese adventures;)

Photo: The 'rabbit' Hachiko is being introduced to Hachiko statue in Shibuya! 

Days till departure: 1

Friday 22 June 2012

Good things come in 3s!

What a memorable day it was! A wonderful graduation ceremony (I am officially a Master of Arts in Social Sciences), my friend asked me to be her bridesmaid (I will definitely look good in pink) and it marked a big 7 day (A WEEK ~ unbelievable) countdown till my departure to Japan! 

Starting from now, everything will go much, much quicker. I am sure of it!!

Days till departure: 6

Saturday 16 June 2012

Study, study, study!!

I am getting slightly more busy these days and therefore have very little time to revise my current Japanese. This is everything but not what I have planned for. I should definitely set some priorities here! I don't want to go backwards but forward, I don't want to sit in Japan and smile with lack of understanding. I really have to get my act together and push myself to the limits so at least upon my arrival I would be able to stumble few sentences!

Days till departure: 12

Friday 15 June 2012

10:45 in two weeks!!

Exactly in 2 weeks (14 days) at this time 10:45am, I will be sitting in KLM plane departing to Amsterdam and then to Osaka! I honestly can't hide my excitement!

Thursday 14 June 2012

NO to a tourist label!

My Japanese experience is just around a corner and so I decided it was a high time to get this blog started. I got my ticket booked and I am slowly getting a grip on packing my suitcase.

Japanese summer is extremely hot so my one and only question of today was 'what clothes should i take not to stand out from a crowd?' For some reason I am afraid that my short top, short sleeve and short shorts  would scream TOURIST everywhere I go. However, this time I would like to blend with locals as much as possible, well at least with what is under my control (too late for genetics;)). So, I may have to give it yet another thought!

Days till departure: 14