Sunday 1 July 2012

まいにち べんきょうします!

So far, I am spending majority of my time on studying Japanese! I want to make a good use of my time here so まいにち べんきょうします!Today's weather much reminds the one in Glasgow (tones of rain), which in fact enhances my motivation to study hard!
(Although, it does make one a bit sleepy! I have to admit, that I have given up to the temptation of a wee nap today.)

Apart from that, Erika's mama is such a good cook! Everything is sooo おいしい (yummy)! It just reminded me how much I missed it since my last visit! We had しゃぶしゃぶ (shabu shabu) last night for dinner and 焼きそば (yakisoba) for today's lunch! ぜんぶん は とても おいしい です!(Everything is very yummy!) I just hope, it will not affect my weight too much o_O

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