Monday 16 July 2012


12th July was my very last meeting with Ma-kun♥

Around 2 weeks ago I was asked to participate in English-Japanese conversations. After arrival, it turned out that Ayu-chan (my conversation partner) was running late due to an additional school project. At the time Auy-chan's mum was taking care of Ma-kun during his dad's working hours. It all sounds very complicated, so to make things easier I was asked to babysit Ma-kun for around 30 minutes. We played various games throughout this time (Wii, Jenga, domino). Ma-kun was the sweetest and the smartest boy I have ever met! So adorable!!! I honestly felt in love♥  he is soooo cute that I could eat him!

I met Ma-kun only three times and unfortunately Thursday was our very last day together, as he was going for a veeery long summer vacation to his grand-mum's on Shikoku island. 
I miss him, he was soooooo KAWAIIIIIII♥

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