Friday 6 July 2012

In drastic search for a yukata!

So I have finally found a language class for myself! Starting from next week, every Thursday morning at 10:30 I will be joining volunteer class at Kyoto International Community House. I will also try to find some suitable Japanese conversation class, but this will be the challenge for a next week!

I didn't do any sightseeing in Kyoto yesterday! I didn't even take my camera with me (and some of you would probably kill me for this), but yesterday I was focused on looking for a yukata! Japanese yukata is the summer equivalent of a kimono. It is worn to 夏祭り (natsumatsuri, summer festivals) and as I will be participating in quite a few of them this summer (yupii!) I decided to get my very own yukata! :)

For this reason, I was running around Kyoto and Nagaokakyo-shi looking for suiting yukata! Unfortunately, I have fallen in love with quite an expensive one (9900) ~ damn my expensive taste! and now face a dilemma of whether to get it or not! Ahhh....
(Slowly getting used to the thought of spending almost 10000 ~ i think.)

Tanabata tomorrow in Kyoto, possibly a dinner at Mayumi's and sightseeing Osaka with Masaya so stay tuned for exciting news!

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